
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy worked into your lifestyle in whatever way is best for you (once a month? Every other week? Maybe even every week!). Massage can be an extremely effective tool for taking care of yourself, your health and well being.
Reiki Healing
As well as our physical bodies, we also have energetic bodies. In our western culture we are well equipped to recognise and “fix” our physical ailments but we all too often lose connection with our energetic signals. When we experience trauma, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual it is so important to remember to treat our energetic bodies too. Although we may have fixed a physically broken bone, there will still be energetic blockages around that injury. Before your treatment, a thorough consultation, (lifestyle chat / energetic check in) will take place so we can set the intention for the Reiki coming in.
Reiki energy is intuitively channelled down through your therapist (in this case, that’s me, Carmel) and intentionally sent to areas with energetic blockages in your energy system to flush through and create a constant flow of Chi or Ki (Energy).

Crystal Chakra Balancing
Focusing on gaining realignment of your 7 main Chakra Points. Starting with an in-depth, judgement free consultation to see where we may be out of alignment.
Using healing crystals in conjunction with Reiki I will then channel the realignment of your Chakra System, in a warm, relaxing session.
Feedback from this treatment is most often described as ‘feeling much lighter’ or ‘just feeling right’.
Yoga, Full Body Stretch
New location from February 2025.
We are so conditioned in our society to head for burnout. Constantly living in our masculine energies of fire, action, GO! Come and spend an hour with me, where we lean into our intuition, our feminine flow and stretch our bodies.
Mindfully creating space, slowly, purposefully, moving through a series of deep, meaningful stretches, allowing ourselves to open up and connect to our breath.
This is a gentle, candlelit class, maximum 4 people, where we slow down, and give our bodies the gentle focus it craves.

Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing is a way of communicating with your inner or spirit self and retrieving information. You spirit is in constant communication with all aspects of your environment, seen and unseen.
We journey within to find answers to our questions. As your space holder, I will help you make clear your intention, guide you into a meditative state and then using my drum will guide you into your journey safely and with love. Shamanic healing can aid deep personal healing, the meeting of our power animals or spirit guides, or to find the answers for the deepest of our questions.
Women’s Circles
Around the energies of the dark and new moon women from all walks of life, are welcome here to gather in circle.
There is no hierarchy or ego when we all sit in circle. We hold space for each other to be heard and seen, with no judgement and complete confidentiality. We share our wisdoms and truths out of pure love for one another.
The new moon is a time for reflection, intention setting and release. Reflection of the previous moon cycle, what have we learned, what worked, what didn’t.
Setting gentle intention for the next moon cycle, what energies are we welcoming in.
Releasing anything from our lives that we wish not to take into the next cycle of the moon.